Inside Digital features Q&As with tech trailblazers sharing insights on their path to success

Name: Lemu Coker
Professional Title: Account Manager, Channel Intelligence at Google
Twitter: @thashadow
Great Title! Now explain what that means to the readers at home:
Channel Intelligence, a group within Google Shopping, works with Google’s largest retailers to manage their data feeds, and I manage the partnerships with those retailers.
How did your earlier career choices lead you to your current role at Google?
I always knew I wanted to either be in the film or technology business from very early on in my college days. I even created my own major to incorporate both of my passions. I specifically targeted companies doing interesting things in the online space (MySpace and MTV Networks) to get the experience needed to dig out a career in technology. It wasn’t until business school that I actually pursued Google, and by that time I had the resume that helped me get the role.
How did you set yourself apart from others who wanted the same job?
My conversations with the recruiters came pretty easy because I was very familiar with the technology space and what Google was doing broadly. I think I didn’t come off as the typical MBA looking for a job, but someone who genuinely knew the space.
Describe yesterday’s work day
The last day I was working, I was actually doing a Black Googlers Network event in Charleston, South Carolina. We did our annual BGN outreach trip down there after the tragedy to help small businesses get online and also work closely with the community to think of ideas on how they can use technology to further their goals.
What is one surprising thing about your job?
Because I work within Google Shopping, I know when many shopping deals are happening before they launch.
What’s your life mission and how does Google intersect with that mission?
My life mission is to be remembered as someone who enabled and empowered all those I encounter. Giving back to the community, whether it be economic or educational, is a core value for me and also Google.
What are the top three tips you would give to those aspiring to work for Google?
Be curious.
Be flexible.
Be willing to teach.