This is the true story…of fifteen strangers…picked to live in the International House in Manhattan…work together at MTV Networks…and have the most epic summer of their lives.
This would be the introduction to the chapter about the MTV Summer Associate Program (SAP) in my future autobiography. SAP is a competitive, eight-week media focused talent development program sponsored by MTV Networks. I was selected nationally as one of fifteen college graduates for the program. For a 22-year old it was the perfect bridge to the real world.
After graduating from Upenn, that summer I was placed in the MTV Networks Corporate Communications group under two of the most dynamic communications professionals I’ve ever met. My bosses were wildly outspoken with a take no prisoners approach and I still have yet to encounter a more badass duo. My team supported then MTV CEO Judy McGrath so I received an in-depth look into the cross-platform corporate communications strategy to support a c-suite executive, which was incredibly influential to my marketing career development. In addition to my work to support the communications team, my fellow summer associates and I were also placed in teams to complete a social impact project. By the end of the summer, we created and delivered a public affairs campaign pitch in front of MTVN senior level executives. The level of exposure the program gave us was just insane.
SAP was a life changing experience, not because we got to rub shoulders with celebrities all day as everyone assumed we were doing (little of that happened), but because it was a paying, full-time immersion into the world of media and entertainment. At a time when I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, I was able to do informationals with employees across the company and learn firsthand about various roles. Although a full-time job was not guaranteed, the eight-week period allowed us to hustle, network and try to get our foot in the door. That meant in addition to the great brown bag lunches and perks, it did get competitive and stressful towards the end of the program. I was fortunate enough to secure a position with the Nickelodeon Standards group as a Department assistant, and I would go on to spend two years with Viacom. I still carry the lessons I learned from those formative first two years of my professional career with me.
The MTV Summer Associate Program (SAP) application is now open. If you know a college senior graduating in 2016, do share it with them. It’s a once in a lifetime career launching opportunity.