I’ve started this new routine in which I plan out my week on Sundays – my fitness plan, meal plan, and overall goals for the week. Yet and still, Monday morning rolls around and no matter how much pre-planning I did, it’s still a challenge to psych myself up for the week ahead. But I’ve found that centering myself with positive reads and affirmations really sets the tone for the day, especially after a holiday weekend. To get your week started on the right note, I’m sharing some essential reads for the week. Here’s my energy-boosting, self-affirming, get yourself on the right track reading playlist for this week:
- The absolute best way to get your day started is to stick to a morning routine that centers your thoughts for the day. Don’t have one yet? Check out The 15 Minute Morning Routine That’s Already Changing My Life.
- After you’ve gotten your zen on and are ready to face the day, use your get ready and commute time to listen to a thought-provoking podcast. I just came across these 4 Essential Podcasts That Will Help You Break Into Tech and am enjoying the content so far.
- Before you walk into the office, be prepared to chime in at the water cooler by getting a quick download on global news. I read a daily newsletter called TheSkimm every morning to get a high-level overview of the major headlines.
- As you’re going through your day, difficult moments are guaranteed to occur. Remember that a bad moment does not equal a bad day. And, also, save yourself unnecessary stress and wasted time by remembering that Knowing Stuff Doesn’t Really Matter.
- And if you’re feeling down because you know deep down in the pit of your stomach you’re just not where you need to be, read this in earnest: 5 Ways to Turn Your Passion Into Your Profession.
Now go make this week a great one!